Zoho Sutton Email

Migration Process Instructions

  • The process is done behind the scenes and will copy all emails and folders in your current Sutton mail into the new Zoho platform.
  • This process does not remove your emails. You will still be able to access them in your current mailbox until the final switchover date.
  • It is a simple, 2 minute process.
  • Migration Link: https://bit.ly/3SMtvFI 

After a detailed review, Sutton has decided to upgrade all Sutton email users to Zoho mail.

Zoho is a feature-rich and reliable, modern platform that will provide a vast improvement in email performance, specifically in regards to security and spam protection. Check it out here: http://bit.ly/3IOsF6C

Questions?  Visit the Insider and comment on our Zoho Email thread or reach out to Lindsay, Gina or Laura.


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